
Site Help

Map Loading time

The maps on this site are in high resolution.
Depending on where you live or on your internet quality this can make the loading long.
The site use a cache system so that the maps are only long to load the first time.
Also when an update is made on the map.

The "Map" section of the menu provides two options regarding this:

Check maps: will give you a report of your cache state.

Preload maps: will download missing maps and update out dated ones. It can take several minutes.
You can still use the site during preload.
You can close your browser and restart later.
You can click on "Check maps" to see the progress.
It will give you a report at the end.

Explore Mode

This mode allows you to explore the maps in deep.
It is possible to hide or show layers of information from the menu.

Learn Mode

This mode allows you to learn and test your knowledge of calls.
Move your mouse over the ?????? to reveal the calls.

Strat Mode

This mode allows you to draw a strategy on a map.
It is possible export/import those to share them with other users.

1 – Select your team operators by clicking on the "?" in the top middle of the screen.
 This will update the team items on the left and right of the screen.
 If two operators have the same color, change it by clicking on the color picker bellow the "?".

2 – Select your start side, mode and site by clicking on the "?" in the top right of the screen.
 This will update the site locations on the map.

3 – Select icons to drop or pen for a specific operator in the teams’ items on the left and right of the screen.
 Use the mouse to drop icons or draw with the pen.

4 – Click on the "Info" button and write something about your strategy.

5 – Click on the "Export" button to save the strategy on your device.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Mouse Shortcuts

Main Toolbar

Operator Toolbar

Landscape Toolbar

Tool Toolbar